ENR New England’s Project of the Year/Best Water/Environment & Excellence in Safety Award of Merit: Phase IV

Full and original article posted on ENRNewEngland

Delivering a limited-budget, multi-scope project on a congested historic waterfront would be formidable for any project team. Add in the need to coordinate with four property owners—including the federal government and a city government—and those challenges become downright daunting. “There were so many moving parts in a relatively small footprint,” says Mark Mahoney, principal at Anchor QEA. “It was extremely complicated, plus you had to meet the unique needs of four property owners.”

Over the course of two construction seasons, the project team executed a broad scope of work under difficult circumstances. On the land, the scope included demolition, new construction and reconstruction of historic waterfront structures as well as demolition and deconstruction of an upland park.

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